Monday, October 26th. 2009 |
Here I am back again after several weeks of work and a lot of things which have happenend during these days. When we decided to give this website a new look we alos had the idea of using a new software for it aswell. Due to this the ammount of work involved with this task became much more than we anticipated. But right now we are back again and I really hope that you will like to new look of my little website as well as I do it.
A lot of things happenend during the last few weeks, some good, some bad. One of the best news is that I got a new job, which is perhaps the most important thing to me. That way I will be able to continue my work with this hobby and that includes his website too. Perhaps I will not be able to spend such a lot of time with my hobby but this is something I can live with. Something bad happenend on August 23rd this year, when we had a catastrophic hailstorm here north of Salzburg. The little village where I live and 2 other villages were heavily damaged by hailstones of up to 5inch in diameter! It all lastet only 3 minutes but after that not only our roof was gone but almost every roof here in Buermoos. They are still fixing them and I'm afraid it will take another few month until all the damage will be fixed. Fortunately noone was hurt and the insurance company will pay for most of the damage.
I was able to finish a few more modeling projects during these weeks and I have visited modelshows and an airshow here in Austria during these weeks. Within the next few updates I wll post several reports about thiese events and I will also show some more photos of several other things which I really hope that you will enjoy.
So let's start with a little bit of everything. Here is part I of my own travelreport to Austria's biggest airshow which was held in Zeltweg/Styria, and 3 more parts ot come! so here is "Part I of the Airpower 2009"
From my own collection of models comes a tiny model which shows a seomewhat unusual aircraft (some of you will know that this is exactly what I really like) I call this little bird "Errol Flynn's ride" and from Erich Blaickners collection comes another Phantom (what else?), this time an F-4E in USAF livery.
Have fun with all these news and please come back again and enjoy them as much as I do. Keep on modeling, René Hieronymus |
Here I am, back again, finally after some pretty busy weeks. I am so sorry for the delay with this update but there were a few things which had priority and sdue to that I had no chance to update this site as frequently as I would have liked to do.
But here I am back again and I have some very interesting things coming up. First of all I will post 2 new projects here one of my own and another one from my good old friend Erich Blaickner. He shows us today a rather rare sight as a model kit a LTV Photo Crusader. Take a a look at his model and I hope you will enjoy these pictures
From my own collection comes another unusual object and a very rare sight as a model kit. An airplane which I call "Two turning and one burning" have a look and see for yourself what I have build from a Vacu-formed kit.
But what is even more interesting is, what I`m currently working on. I have received a few thousand! pictures which I will have to sort during the next few days. quite a lot of them were taken by Otmar Hadaier during his recent visit to England. He has visisted the city of Portmouth with its beautiful harbour and he took hundreds of pictures there, including of the Victory and several other vessels. But this is only the beginning, he also had the chance to see the tankmuseum in Bovington, and museums in Duxford and Yeovilton and a few more. So if you are interested in ships, taks, aircrafts and so on, make sure to come back during the next few days because I will soon start to post tose pictures in several updates.
I have been to the biggest airshow in Austria if not in Europe, the Airpower 09 in Zeltweg, Styria and I brought with me some 1200 pictures! Of course I will start to post them as soon as possible.
So finally the waiting is over and I will start to update this site more frequently during the next weeks. There are even more exciting news which I will post somewhat later but just to make sure I will also be able to open the webshop on this site pretty soon (or so I hope) So stay tuned come back if you like it and most of all: keep on modeling, René Hieronymus |
Hello again. Today I have once again some interesting subjects for you to see. I will start with another aircraft model built by Erich Blaickner. This time he presents a Navy Jet which was in service with the US Navy until a few years ago. Take a look at his Grumman Intruder and I hope you will like it.
Otmar Hadaier has send me a couple of photos which he has taken during the 2007 IPMS UK modelshow in Telford. I will post all of them in 2 parts so here is part I .
From my own collection of models I will add another small Diorama which I have built recently. The aircraft depicted here is a rather unusual aircraft which is not that often seen as a built model. Take a look and see for yourself what I mean with the titkle "Too close for comfort"
Finally I have something to announce: In a few weeks (I'm planing this to happen at the end of May or so) this website will be down for a few days (Expect 2 or 3 days) for a major update and a redesign. After this a few things will change here. First of all we have been working on a more up to date design and additional we will add a few more things, like the long promised web shop for my book and a forum as well. If possibe I will let you all know shortly before this will happen but nevertheless, this redesign will only take a few days and I'm sure you will like it just like I do. So if you will still be interested in some models of my firends and me and a few very interesting travelreports as well, please come back for more and most of all, keep on modeling, René Hieronymus |
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