My name is Harald Jirikowski (born. 1927) and I am forestry engineer. At the time of my vocation I was forestry superintendent and head of a governmental management in Salzburg. I retired 1990.
My hobby is ship- modelling at the scale of 1:500. I only use this size, because all ships I built can be compared. Also many details can be made; otherwise all ships can be stored in one glass-case.
Since my early childhood I was fond of “grey ships”. I started my “modelling- career”, when I was eight. The first results looked rather ugly. Later they became better and I completed my experience. In the early 1940-ties model-schemes of German warships, drawn by LOEF, were available. I spent all my pocket money to get some. One year later I tried to build models of the Royal Navy. A pupil in my school-class had some VIKING-vessels made of lead at 1:1250-scale. One of this was “HMS NELSON”. With my dividers I took measures of the ship, enlarged and drew the scheme. Afterwards I moulded the pattern.
In WEYER`s Handbook of fleets (issue 1942) deck-designs were shown first time. I copied in the same manner like NELSON and built “HMS. KING GEORGE V” and “HMS REPULSE”.
After WW 2 and in the next 30 Years time was short for me. So I seldom could continue my Hobby. I only assembled some plastic kits of REVELL for example, ships of the BALTIMORE- class.
In 1982 I visited a model-exhibition in Salzburg. It took my full interest and I began modelling again. This also was the beginning to meet our fine group!
As basic-design, besides drawings in specialized books or magazines, I use the WEYER again. Thanks modern copy- techniques enlarging to 1:500 is easy now. Further details for my model I take from photographs of the ship.
The original ships are commissioned all between 1940 and 1990. My models should be natural- true as possible, but also functional. All turrets, guns, RADAR, directors, cranes, elevators, propellers and rudders can be moved. Besides, the models are fitted so solid, that you can touch without damage.
As materials I use lime-tree-wood, panels, brass-wire, solder-tin, cardboard and silk thread for the reeling. I take blade of grass in variable diameters for big gun barrels, one put into the other, I had presented my models at several exhibitions, last time at Ried i.I. two years ago.
Possibly we shall meet?